








タイトルパリピな休日本文 今日はめっちゃ暇やったから、友達と適当にショッピング。なんか可愛い服とか見たけど、結局何も買わなかった(笑)。それからカフェでゆっくりして、SNSで自撮り大会して盛り上がった!最高に楽しい休日だったな〜。夕方からはみんなでBBQパーティーして、音楽かけてダンス。最高の一日を過ごせたよ!やっぱり仲良しの友達と過ごす休日って最高だね!,,,,,,,,,,,

Long Boots S Akari -sama SHORT.VER & Super D -sama M man bullying

The first half of this time is a bullying M man by the super -de S -Ruka -sama.The heel of the short boots pierces the body of the M man many times and is full of bruises throughout the body.In the middle stage, lick the raw foot while looking down.The foot slap attacks the face, which makes you think that M man is only garbage.At the end, it is also humiliated, and it ends up with bootjob.In the second half, the de S Akari -sama who appeared earlier.If you walk around the city with a real schedule with Ruka, you will accidentally pass each other, and you will be bullied together with the glue.It is pushed to the grounds and the ground many times in the parking lot.The dirt behind the dirty boots with a cigarette butts is also licked and the tongue is black.The word blame is also a masterpiece by the two.The de S feeling was even higher.There is a whole story, a feature.If you want to be trampled with boots by younger girls, please take a look!!

长靴S akari -sama Short.ver&Super D -Sama M Man Bullying

这次的上半场是超级-de s -ruka -sama的欺凌男人。短靴的脚跟多次刺穿了M男子的身体,并且在整个身体上都充满了瘀伤。在中间阶段,低头舔原始的脚。脚打了一巴掌攻击脸,这使您认为男人只是垃圾。最后,它也受到羞辱,最终以bootjob结束。下半年,较早出现的de s akari -sama。如果您与Ruka的真实日程安排在城市中行走,您将不小心互相通过,并且将与胶水一起欺负。在停车场多次将其推到地面和地面。肮脏的靴子后面的污垢还舔了舔,舌头是黑色的。责备这个词也是两者的杰作。德的感觉更高。有一个完整的故事,一个功能。如果您想被年轻女孩践踏靴子,请看看!呢

